Kilts Farm

Basket weaving the Adirondack Pack basket

July 15, 2023 

9:30am – 4:30pm

Class size limited to 10  

Costs: $125

Instructor: Colleen Mosenthin

Join us at Kilts Farm on July 15, 2023 to learn pack basket basketweaving with Colleen Mosenthin of Weave and Wobble. This is a basket making course for beginners with each student completing a pack basket with nylon straps during the day. Options available for an additional charge include a custom set of leather straps made by a local Amish harness maker. Adirondack pack baskets follow in the tradition of shouldering a basket dating back to early Native American times.  The Native Americans design was adopted by early settlers.

 The $125 fee for the workshop covers materials and will help Kilts Farm maintain its collection.

Bring a lunch. Soda and snacks will be provided.