Vance Heroth, President
Vance Heroth is a life-long resident of Stone Arabia. He is a fan of local history and a collector of local artifacts and items of historical value. He is a regular at the Fort Plain historical round table.
Vance Heroth is a life-long resident of Stone Arabia. He is a fan of local history and a collector of local artifacts and items of historical value. He is a regular at the Fort Plain historical round table.
Gwen Miner has over 30 years of experience in the field of Living History. She has been involved in all levels of the field. Currently, she works freelance, teaching Open Hearth Cooking and part-time at a financial institution.
Gwen brings to the Kilts Farm Board her general experience managing staff, budgets and interpretation. While working in the field she developed and implemented a variety of educational programs designed to engage visitors and volunteers.
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Todd Bradt is a local contractor and supervisor for the Town of Ephratah. He is a long-time collector of historic artifacts with a strong interest and knowledge in the weapons of the revolutionary war.
Abby Cretser is a lifelong Ephratah resident. Her family has been in the Ephratah area since the 1720s. Her interest in American Revolutionary history is based on the hundreds of local connections. In college, Abby studied History and Museum Studies. Abby served as the Town of Ephratah Deputy Historian for 10 years before becoming the Historian in 2023.
Chris Dingus and Brittany Vock came to us as a set. They are the farmers next door. With a background in the not-for-profit world, they bring us hope and baked goods on a regular basis. They run an Air B&B from their farm. It's a great place for folks to stay if they are taking classes at the KIlts Farm.
Rabbit Goody is an internationally-known textile historian, researcher, lecturer and teacher, and owner of Thistle Hill Weavers
Myra Heroth has worked in the agriculture field for 25 years. She is a Business owner and has been self employed in multiple businesses. Myra was a friend of Skip Barshied for 35 years. She shared many stories and enjoyed collecting with him. She is a supporter of Kilts Farm and hoping to help it grow
Steve has been working in the field of Living History for over 40 years, from Genesee Country Museum to Colonial Williamsburg. He is one of 4 Partners with Ore Dog Productions LLC, making documentary films on iron smelting and Blacksmithing , founded in 2012Steve has been teaching and demonstrating traditional Blacksmithing around the country for many years. His hobbies include ,gardening , block printing, hiking and Kilts Farm.
Craig is a lifelong resident of the area. He was a friend of Skip's for over 50 years. In 1977, Skip facilitated the purchase of the Spraker Dutch barn to become what is now the home of Craig and his wife. The barn was taken down and moved 7 miles. Craig and Skip spent that winter at Kilts Farm making oak pegs for the reconstruction and renovation. It was during these times and others that Craig became fascinated by Skip's knowledge and stories. Craig's home sports candle holders and a candelabra that were forged here at the Kilts farm. His home is as it is because of Skip's wisdom and kindness.
Craig has good knowledge of the community. He was on the first Town of Palatine planning board and helped establish town regulations for building codes and permits, which was the first for the town. He has a great love of all things historical and is a supporter of the Stone Arabia church, having been confirmed there.
Craig cherishes this community and is an advocate of keeping the agricultural status for the town.
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