Class size limited to 12 Costs: $150 for both days
Instructor: Rabbit Goody
Join us at Kilts Farm on June 24th and 25th to Explore our Extensive Textile Tool Collection with Rabbit Goody of Thistle Hill Weavers. Skip Barshied collected diverse examples of textile tools from the local Mohawk Valley. His collection is representative of the linen and wool spinning and weaving done in homes throughout the valley. Spend a weekend cleaning, repairing, and making these tools functional. Learn to identify tools for fabric working. Learn what makes them special or common- and learn the process that produced fabrics for everyday life in the Mohawk Valley.
Bring soft cotton cloths and wear work clothes and help us get the collection identified. This is a hands-on workshop with a session about putting these tools into historical context.
Saturday we will work on flax processing equipment and spinning wheels.
Sunday we will work with wool processing, spinning, measuring and skeining devices and the timber framed loom.
The $150 fee for the two-day workshop will help Kilts Farm maintain its collection.
Bring a lunch. Coffee and snacks will be provided.